Unlock Your glutes is a special program created by Brian Klepacki. Weak glutes often cause many problems, including lower back pain, knee pain, hip pain, and muscle imbalance.

This program will help you achieve a round and strong butt and also prevent you from all those injuries. Squats, Deadlifts, and lunges are the first three exercises that strike our brain whenever we think of strong glutes. But according to Brian Klepacki, all these exercises are more of a leg strengthening exercise rather than glutes exercise.

This Unlock Your Glutes contains specific glute isolation exercises that will target your glutes in all directions and help you get a strong butt. Unlike all other programs and exercises, this program will specifically target your glutes in a new way.


by Brian Klepacki

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About Brian Klepacki

Brian Klepacki is the creator of Unlock Your glutes. He is a strength and conditioning specialist with 16 years of experience in physical training and exercises science. He also has a Master’s degree in Exercises Science.

Even though he is a professional trainer, he experiments with various workouts and their effects daily with different athletes and coaches. He was also featured in various health and fitness magazines. He owns a training center in Florida named Compound. He applies all the latest health science to action in his training center.

How Well Unlock Your Glutes Program Work?

Unlock Your Glutes is a training program that works based on the GM3 method. Unlike traditional training methods, it doesn’t contain any squats and lunges. The main problem with these exercises is that they don’t isolate our glutes.

We have three glute muscles named Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus in our body. We need to work out glutes horizontally, diagonally, and vertically to activate all three gluteal muscles. But these exercises work only one and leave the others.

The GM3 method is a three-step process where they guide you through each step to unlock your glutes. They tell you the right exercises and procedures that will work your glutes in all planes of motion. They will target all three muscles and, at the same time, isolate your glutes for maximum benefits.

➢ In the first step of this program, they focus on waking up and activating your glutes to build up the strength for the second step.
➢ In the second step, they will release inhibiting muscles through easy and simple ways.
➢ In the last step, they train you with different glute isolation exercises to strengthen the muscles of your butt.

What Will You Get From Unlock Your Glutes DVD?

➣ In this program you will discover Unlock Your Glutes Manual & The Complete Coaching Videos: Bodyweight Edition and Gym Edition to help you know the myths and misconceptions of your glutes to make them perfect in a few days.
➣ Here you will find a lot of steps to maintain your glutes healthily and suggests some best movements to achieve the desired results with the effect of doing each exercise.
➣ You will have to follow 36 exercises with step-by-step instructions video to know the exact movement pattern to get full benefits.
➣ This program supports restorative lengthening and Neuro-Muscular Activation by inhibiting your glutes as well as developing the mind-muscle connection to achieve better results.
➣ Included are the movements that support your spine protecting movements and uses proven exercises for stimulating muscle contraction efficiently.
➣ Here you will discover the Iso-Holds and speed resistance to gain strength, the power to manage weight faster by doing a workout all the time. 

Advantages of Unlock Your Glutes

➣ Unlock Your Glutes Workout DVD is the best program designed to maintain glutes with a simple workout.
➣ This program provides tips, techniques, and workouts to reduce large muscles and allows you to stay healthy forever.
➣ It is very safe to follow, risk-free to use in your day-to-day life.
➣ You can save your money by not purchasing costly gym equipment and save time without stepping into the gym for long hours.
➣ This program comes with a money-back guarantee for customer satisfaction.

Unlock Your Glutes Includes

Unlock Your Glutes Manual 
Inside the pages of the Unlock Your Glutes Manual, I expose all the myths and misconceptions about growing your glutes like crazy. Based upon the latest science and my experience working with elite athletes, this easy-to-use blueprint will show you exactly why the glutes are so important to your health and how to get the best looking and performing rear end around.

I share exactly what works, including detailed, highly specific breakdowns and pictures of each exercise. There’ll be no doubt in your mind what you need to do and when.
The Complete Coaching Videos: Bodyweight Edition and Gym Edition
Let’s be frank. A comprehensive package like this includes a LOT of movements. For the fastest results, I recorded every single one of the 36 exercises to show you the exact form and movement pattern. The sooner you nail this, the sooner you see results.

Shot in high definition at our state-of-the-art training facility, you benefit from both the Bodyweight Edition designed for use at home or even on the road. The Gym Edition shows you how to use equipment in your local gym or home gym to add resistance and accelerate results.


FAST-ACTION Bonus 1: Strong Legs Workout (value $47)
So you're replacing squats and lunges with specific glute exercises. Yet you still want to keep your legs growing... No problem! It’s why I developed the strong legs workout. It is designed to compliment Unlock Your Glutes with two workouts so you have a nice strong pair of legs to go with your newly defined back-end.
✻ Designed in conjunction with Unlock Your Glutes to avoid overlap or run the risk of overtraining
✻ Workouts can be used as standalone workouts or in addition to the Unlock Your Glutes program
✻ Both a Bodyweight Workout and a Gym Workout are provided
FAST-ACTION Bonus 2: 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan (value $47)
 This is a bonus item offers you:
Access to Steve’s most-guarded and effective techniques to beating chronic back pain.
Hacks to tweak Targeted Spinal Release to your personal needs so you can realize optimal results.
Small but critical body posture adjustments to reactivate inactive spine muscles and nerves and realign your lumbar and pelvic regions. This enables you stay out of chronic back pain.
Ways to stay off back pain medication and resultant consequences.
Transaction proccessed through:
Firmer, Rounder, More Powerful Glutes… OR YOUR MONEY BACK
 Try Unlock Your Glutes for a full 60 days. That’s enough time to go through the program not once but several times. Incorporate all the exercises and workouts into your own regime and really put it through the grinder.
I’m confident you’ll be blown away with the speed and quality of the results you achieve… but if for any reason you aren’t delighted by the program, just email me and ask for a complete, hassle-free refund. 

Our No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

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